Sunday, March 20, 2011

Eating to Excess

I love Sushi, but darn it when you eat in large volumes like I do it gets EXPENSIVE. What is a big girl to do?


Imagine all this for under $100, YEAH!

Not to mention, most sushi place's skimp on the fish.

Ignore the random margarita, my family can not help mixing cultures.

I know sushi is not for everyone, but I am wiping drool as I write this.

The possibilities are endless.



    It looks glorious. They sell cheap sushi at the supermarket with about four pieces in it for lunch. I judge that plastic crap so hard. If you want it ready made though, round here that's basically your only option. I need to start making my own.

  2. I knew we got along for a reason. I Would DEVOUR that entire table. Awesome.

  3. phwooooar that looks incredible. i really shouldnt blog while im hungry, now ive got a fat sushi craving. mmm! and it really is more satisfying when you make it yourself!

  4. @The Student's Guide to Nail Polish - Obviously there is some initial start-up, but damn so worth it.

    @L Watch out for the big girl lol

    @Rachel Marie @ Jbrobeck @GothamPolish - let's all nosh over the interwebs together! :D

    @LemonyEmily - ha, yea so true!

    @Olivia - Sooie! hahaha

  5. these look so yummy!!! please mail me some of your sushi~~~>.< please

  6. LOL, DONE! one package of rotten fish coming right up :p

  7. woah..u made them all yourself? I NEED DETAILS!!! DETAILS lady!!!

    you bought eel and the octopus and rolled rolled rolled? wait is that eel?

  8. nice! my bf thinks i'm a freak because i don't think it's worth the hassle making sushi if we don't make at least 100 pieces.. then i eat it the following 24 hours. haha :)

  9. I was all on board til I saw the octopus leg...then I kind of gagged. I'm sure it probably is yummy but it looks so... octopus-y

  10. @shortwidenails- oh man there is eel, tuna, salmon, shrimp, octopus and I think probably some yellow tail there too! ooo, maybe I will do a post to show the rollage :)

    @Helga - Thats how you do it girl! Make and eat enough so you don't want any for the next month :D

    @Scandalous - Hahaha, yeah and who wants octo-pus-y in there mouth. *so inappropriate
